Cinema and semioclastia About Claire Denis' An Inner Sun, inspired by Fragments of a Discourse on Love by Roland Barthes

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Marcelo Báez


Roland Barthes has taught several generations to read critically and was the first to apply semiological instruments to the world of moving images. One of his analytical proposals was semioclasticity, which should be understood as a non-reverent attitude towards cultural phenomena and, particularly with respect to the filmic object, he proposes that it is decoded through an ideological critique of capitalism and mass culture. Along these conceptual lines, this article explores the specific link of Barthes' Fragments of a Discourse of Love in the film adaptation of author Claire Denis' An Inner Sun. Throughout this text, the presence of the structural characteristics, in both cases fragmentary and thematic, will be reviewed in order to discover the deep meaning of this intertextual dialogue.

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