Acting and camera a reflection from the actor’s work for the camera in the pedagogic environment

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Diana Molina


This article is based on the teaching experience and annotations made during the acting workshop "the actor and the camera", which has been taught for more than 15 years at INCINE. The author proposes a bibliographic review of the concepts of the construction of the gaze and the cinematographic language, based on the analysis of the acting work in front of the camera. Through a reflection of the pedagogic proposal of the workshop, the author discloses the concepts of pre-expressiveness in the actor’s work in front of the camera.

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Author Biography

Diana Molina, Instituto Superior de Cine y Actuación INCINE

Producer and scriptwriter for Tinamú Films, a production company specialized in content for children. Teacher and academic coordinator at INCINE. Master in Film Business from ESCAC. Degree in cinema and audiovisuals from the University of Cuenca. He is currently pursuing a master's degree in personality education at the International University of La Rioja.