What can constantly be Approach to the encounter between the actor and (certain) cinema in the construction of a regime of reality

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Diego Coral López


In acting, the body prevails, but unlike in the performing arts, and due to the possibilities offered by audiovisual technology, the acting body in film is radically fragmented. From the resulting fragments, which ones do I pick up? What use do I give to the body and its fragments in the discourse? That is to say, how does the audiovisual language deal with the fact of working with actor-bodies?

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Author Biography

Diego Coral López, Independiente

(Quito, 1984). Director, writer and film and theater actor. University professor of acting, script and creative processes. Cultural manager. Master in Script Creation from the University of La Rioja - Spain. Degree in Film and Audiovisuals from the University of Cuenca / INCINE - Ecuador. His acting training is carried out at INCINE, the Actors Studio and the SITI Company (NY - EU), where he delves into the Viewpoints technique and the Suzuki method of acting training. Founding member of the Actors Studio Company.