Marcelo Chiriboga or the filmic rewriting of literary tradition

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Marcelo Baéz Meza


From Latin American fiction literature comes the figure of Marcelo Chiriboga, an Ecuadorian member of the well-known literary boom. This character grows in the voices of authors such as Donoso, Fuentes, Cornejo, among others, and today, filmmaker Javier Izquierdo has recovered the character and has given him a face in an attempt to build a metaphor of the search for collective identity or the impossibility of achieving that identity.

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Author Biography

Marcelo Baéz Meza, Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral

Marcelo Báez Meza (Guayaquil, 1969). University professor, poet, short story writer, novelist, editor, translator and film critic. Author of seventeen books: six poetry books, three short story books, five novels and four film criticism. Winner of nine national literature awards (among which the Aurelio Espinosa Pólit award stands out) and the Jorge Salazar International Short Story Award, organized by the Pilpinta publishing house. His most recent book is And your nation too: The Bildungsreise in six road counter-films (1995-2008), published by La Caracola in co-edition with the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Quito headquarters.