The word disability skews the gaze Thoughts on the experience of creating Ecuador´s Deaf Film Festival

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María Fernanda Ortega


This article tells the story of how I came to discover Deaf Film and how this experience paved the way for Ecuador´s first Deaf Film Festival. Aside from all the positive outcomes, we constantly encountered several barriers that kept the hearing from enjoying Deaf culture. Reducing deaf people into the category of disability is a failure that drives cultural loss for both parties.

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Author Biography

María Fernanda Ortega, Independiente

María Fernanda Ortega, 1980. I am a producer and director for video as well as for educational and cultural multidisciplinary projects and events like Así Dicen Mis Abuelos and Festival Cine Sordo. I produced Blomberg´s Secrets as well as Children's educational television in the past few years. I'm currently working on a feature documentary and an interactive transmedia documentary